Archive for D And D 5e

Welcome To THUNSORRA – Join The Adventure! (Professional Dungeon Master/Brand New Campaign)

Posted in Dungeons And Dragons, Professional Dungeon Master with tags , , , on February 2, 2022 by darkjade68

Join The Adventure!

Doragon Kishu (Dragon Rider & Paladin)

Made with

In January this year I began doing some Professional Dungeon Mastering on a site called Start Playing

Fridays I have my first group, they’re currently in my ‘Frost Rhealm’ Module, but will then continue the Campaign in my Material World… A world I have been using for my Personal Campaigns for the last 4 Years

Lately, I’ve begun building New Realms, the first is ‘HAIKON’, a Campaign Setting/Adventures Module I started working on 3 years ago which I hope to Publish this year, and most recently, ‘THUNSORRA’

Thunsorra I began building for the purpose of having fresh material for a New/First Time Twich Campaign I planned on starting with my girlfriend who I’ve been running a 4 year Campaign with, but she’s at Level 27, and rather than ending it, we planned on starting a Second Campaign on Twitch

On Start Playing, I’ve been posting games starting…

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Adventures Of Vilven Ledsong (Chapter XIII) – Goodbyes And Reaquaintances

Posted in Adventures Of Vilven Ledsong, Dungeons And Dragons, Fantasy, Writing with tags , , on April 29, 2019 by darkjade68


Chapter XIII Of My Current Campaign, Which Began A Year Ago, As Written/Retold By My Player Who Plays Vilven

Chapter I: Ouroboros

Chapter II: Pact Magic

Chapter III: Choice And Notice

Chapter IV: Meeting Wiendle

Chapter V – Catlike

Chapter VI – Encountering A Wizard

Chapter VII – A Charge And A Flame

Chapter VIII – Followed By A Lion

Chapter IX – Acquiescence

Chapter X – A Dialogue Of Friends

Chapter XI – Ineffective Planning

Chapter XII – Rivers And Races


Vilven assessed Warden more thoroughly as they made their way toward the docks of the small village. The High-Elves of Warden, who nearly floated as they walked, seemed very calm, almost serene, all very beautiful and put together. They reminded Vilven of what she thought angels might look like, though the Elves didn’t look altogether innocent. Their sharp features could even be described as somewhat jarring and harsh. Their demeanor also seemed, to Vilven, not necessarily heavenly. They were interestingly rather unaware of their presence, engaged fully with their own agenda, aside from the occasional disapproving glance toward Jaren and Wiendle.

“It is probably best if you don’t stare, Vilven.” Grid said under his breath, though his eyes remained focused in front of him. Vilven was a little shocked that the Tigron was somehow able to note what she had been doing without even looking.

“Sorry.” Vilven apologized to Grid.

Grid merely grunted in response. But Vilven did try her best to stop looking so intently at the people around her.

When they reached the docks, Vilven took a deep breath of the ocean air, the water glittered from the generous light of the mid-morning sun. Vilven felt the tug on her heart, and her race, but resisted the urge to dive into the inviting sea. She was certain that that behavior would not be accepted, even slightly. But she couldn’t help but smile at each dancing wave, her inner joy peaking through the restraint.

Grid, with an agile gait, walked toward one of the larger boats. There were people, mainly elves, boarding, walking slowly onto the deck of the ship.

“Is this boat going south?”

A younger, slightly more brutish elf who was pulling on some rope turned to Grid’s question.

“Aye, sir, ” The sailor elf responded, looking blatantly behind him at Wiendle and Jaren, though his face remained plain.

“Very well.” Grid responded and walked purposefully back to them. “This is to be the ship you two will take” He directed to Jaren.

“We will board at once ” Jaren responded stiffly, understandably anxious to leave the judgmental stares of Warden behind.

Grid nodded then extended a long, graceful arm around Jaren. He pulled him in close, talking to him in a barley audible tone. His grand lion-like frame crouched to warrant the secrecy.  Vilven glanced at them, narrowing her eyes, acute with curiosity. Vilven and Wiendle looked at each other, and Vilven put her arm around Wiendle shoulders, mirroring Grid. Wiendle wrapped her arms around Vilven in an embrace.

“Oh, Vilven. I am going to miss you so much! Thank you for all that you have done.” The petit, blonde princess cried out quietly.

Vilven closed her eyes tightly, taking in Wiendle’s words, a slight smile coming to her uniquely beautiful face.

“I am going to miss you, as well, Wiendle. Be good to yourself, and Jaren. Live your life as you please. You are free to be whoever you want now.”

Vilven pushed Wiendle’s shoulders back so that she could look into her pretty, blue eyes. “You are stronger than you look. Don’t let other people underestimate you, but most importantly, don’t underestimate yourself.”

Vilven’s words ran deeply within her, it was almost as if she was in some subconscious way talking to herself. There was a spark in Wiendle’s bravery, something in the young princess’ conviction of life and independence, that pushed Vilven to embrace her true power. She knew it was no accident Wiendle was the first person she met on this plane.

Wiendle, tears in her eyes, nodded and hugged Vilven again, sniffling into her chest.

“We should be going, my love. The ship is going to be leaving soon.” Jaren cooed to Wiendle, walking over putting a hand on her lower back.

“Take care of her, Jaren” Vilven ordered him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Jaren smiled in agreement, “Thank you, Vilven.”

He urged Wiendle toward the boat that was now preparing to set sail. Wiendle waved generously to Grid as they walked past him, walking up the ramp onto the deck.

Vilven took a few generous steps to stand next to Grid. They stood and watched, almost mesmerized, as their two friends sailed away into the distant reaches of the rich, kindhearted sea.

Vilven wiped a single tear from her face then glanced up at Grid with a playful smile, “It looks like it is only you and me, now.”

“Just the way we like it.” Grid returned, then smiled generously at Vilven. “Now let’s go see if we can unload these Ranger’s weapons.”

Vilven glanced at the array bows, arrows, and swords that Grid was carrying. “Do you want some help with that?” She extended her arms out in offering. And then glanced again, at the ocean. “Do you think they would care if I took a swim?”

“They may not, but I do.” Grid said flatly, handing her the two bows. “Perhaps you can grab a swim after we sell them and get something to eat.”

Vilven held the two bows awkwardly in her arms and sighed in the direction of the water. “Fine. But you’ll have to ‘grab a swim’ with me then. Hopefully your tail helps with your ability to stay afloat.” She chuckled then took a few girlish skips toward the beautiful, intricately carved buildings.

Grid did not reply.


They made their way to sell the weapons. Though the female, High- Elf blacksmith they first encountered was extremely unfriendly, her twin sister was quite the opposite. She bought the swords for a fair price, and helped them with direction to a place to sell the bows and arrows. The bower, another female High-Elf, accepted the bows without negotiation. She was quite intimidated by Grid’s presence, even to the point of overpaying.

Grid was quite relieved to be done with carrying the weapons, rolling his shoulders to relax some of the lingering tension.  Vilven, in contrast, was exhilarated by their newfound money, and even convinced Grid to visit a jewel caster. He was reluctant, but could see the excited gleam in her eyes, so he agreed. Vilven walked the shop over, admiring all the different types of gems, asking for details from the halfling who ran the shop, even when she knew they couldn’t afford it. She eventually found a dark blue azurite ring, encased on a beautiful electrum band. The halfling, noting her innocence in the matter of negotiating, tried to swindle her. But Grid was an daunting adversary, and was able to haggle it down to a more reasonable price.

Vilven was admiring her new ring as they finally made their way to the tavern. A larger building than most in the village. The outside was lavishly decorated with detailed carvings of thick, lush trees and small, elvish-looking, winged faeries. The sign above the entrance was painted a deep, penetrating blue, naming the tavern “The Blue Faerie”.

“It’s beautiful” Vilven noted, before they walked through the elaborately painted swinging door.

The inside of The Blue Faerie was just as beautiful, even peaceful. Very different than what Vilven thought taverns were like.

“This is a tavern?” Vilven asked Grid quietly, looking inquisitively at everything around her. Her eyes fell on a very tall High-Elf that stood behind the counter. His eyes were squinting at them, his chin raised ever so slightly.

Grid walked through the tavern, easily avoiding the elegant, wood tables in the middle. Vilven hesitantly trailed behind him, still taking in the bewildering environment.

“Two ales, my good friend” Grid said to the elf behind the bar.

The elf looked at Grid haughtily. “You’re going to have pay for them.”

Grid shot an unfriendly smirk at the Inn-keeper, then placed two silver on the counter.

The elf picked up the coins with deliberately slow movement, then extended his arm toward a table.

Grid turned to Vilven and nodded his head toward the table that was indicated by the elf, then turned back. She went to the table and sat down, and sighed heavily, amazed at how good it felt to finally sit. Grid came moment later with the two drinks in shining copper tankards.

Grid sat down with grace, but he too sighed at the relief the chair. Settling in a moment before he took a long drink of his ale.

“This is ale?” Vilven asked, cradling the tankard between her hands. “I’ve never had it. Nothing really like this in the Water Plane.”

Grid slammed down his drink onto the table, gaining him a not so amused glance by the Inn-keeper. He wiped the foam from his lion-like face with his arm before replying.

“Indeed, it is” He said, nearly purring.

Vilven looked down into the tankard, then moved it to her lips. But before she could drink, a blasting sound came from the door of the tavern. Both her and Grid looked toward the entrance.

“There they are!” Beaden stood at there, pointing accusatorially at them. Cho stood several feet behind, a Warden guard next to him. “They are the one’s that stole our weapons!” He continued.

Vilven looked, eyes wide with shock, at the two Rangers

“Oh, God” Grid said in a pained voice.



Aventures Of Vilven Ledsong (Chapter IX) – Acquiescence

Posted in Adventures Of Vilven Ledsong, Dungeons And Dragons, Fiction, Story, Writing with tags , , , on March 9, 2019 by darkjade68


Chapter IX Of My Current Dungeons & Dragons Campaign, Which Began A Year Ago, As Written/Retold By My Player Who Plays Vilven

Chapter I: Ouroboros

Chapter II: Pact Magic

Chapter III: Choice And Notice

Chapter IV: Meeting Wiendle

Chapter V – Catlike

Chapter VI – Encountering A Wizard

Chapter VII – A Charge And A Flame

Chapter VIII – Followed By A Lion


So, they made their way West, in the direction of Warden. Grid took the front, Wiendle and Jaren walked side by side in the middle, which left Vilven to flank the group. It was about noon, the air was clear and the Sun was bright, creating good visibility. Still, she looked over her shoulder every so often to make sure there was nothing behind or otherwise following them. It felt quite good to be perceived as some sort of  protector, or even fighter, though it felt like playing a part most of the time. They had been travelling for three days, stopping only at night to make camp, and they had, surprisingly, not been confronted or attacked by anything. They spotted the occasional deer, and enjoyed the sights of the birds and squirrels who made their home in the beautiful, thick trees, but saw nothing of any real danger. Though Vilven was stunned at the beauty of the wildlife, the ease of their travelling put her on edge, not relieved as she probably should have been. It made her jumpy to think the danger could merely be hidden from them, playing them like fools.

Wiendle would innocently say, snuggling near Jaren in the warmth of the campfire, that it was royal luck that their journey had been so easy, or that it was a sign from the heavens that Jaren and Wiendle’s love was meant to be. As romantic as it sounded, Vilven wasn’t convinced, and even started to think Grid had over-dramatized most of the dangers. It even made her question his claims of the dragon Sabot living in lake Beaumont. However, Jaren could hardly speak to Grid about anything else but Sabot, though the conversation had very little substance, more like a man plagued with obsession, it did seem to confirm Grid’s assertions. Though there was so much conversation about the dragon, Vilven could still not discern why Sabot was there. It still struck her as odd a dragon would place itself in that lake in the first place. And Vilven couldn’t help but want to know the full story. Grid wouldn’t elaborate on the subject however, even when she directly asked, but she was determined, and told herself that at some point the whole truth would have to come out. So she tried her best to be patient.

Vilven was lost in her thoughts about tactics to trick Grid into revealing more information when a barley audible rustle came from behind her. She spun quickly, her eyes prepared, searching methodically for the source of the noise. Behind her a fawn stood frozen, staring up at her. Vilven relaxed her stance, Wiendle, however, got very excited. Wide eyed and with a loud gasp, the young princess jumped toward the small deer.

“Look, Jaren! It’s a baby!” She shouted.

The deer, surprised by the Wiendle’s boisterous demeanor, took off in a sprint.

“Wait! Come back! I won’t hurt you!” Wiendle called out to the fawn. And with unexpected speed, she lifted her dress, and chased after it with a desperate expression, disappearing into the heavy forest.

Jaren, Grid, and Vilven, staring after the princess, were beside themselves with shock, and reacted more slowly than they normally would have.

Jaren, coming back to himself, responded first. Unsheathing his sword as he followed her with worry and annoyance. “Wiendle. Wiendle! Come back here.” He shouted roughly.

Vilven looked up at Grid with a smile, on the verge of full blown laughter. “Well, he is going to have his hands full, isn’t he. She seems to have a particular affinity to run away.” she said with both adoration and sarcasm.

Grid glanced back at her with amusement. “Well, I suppose love does conquer all. We best go after them.” He said, pouncing in their direction.

Vilven sighed with resignation, then jogged after him, wincing as her sore legs ached. She made sure to keep Grid in eye shot in front of her, but otherwise kept her pace as slow as she possibly could, a petty rebellion building inside her toward running.

Vilven tripped then, almost falling, but she was able to balance herself before it happened. In the process, however, she lost sight of Grid and the direction he went. In near panic, Vilven glanced around in front of her, unsure of where to go. Then she heard the loud, terrified cry of Wiendle toward her left. Without thought, anxiety making her stomach and throat tight, Vilven ran as fast as she could toward the princess’ voice.

Vilven entered the scene, halting at what she saw. To her left, Wiendle cowered behind Grid, her eyes full of fear. Grid was standing tall, his large bow tight in his paws. He had the bowstring pulled back as far as it could go, the arrow shaking in tension, aimed in front of him. Jaren, about fifteen feet before them, was flailing his sword toward six small creatures that were attacking him with short, sharp spears. They looked vaguely human, but they were very ugly and clad in clothes that seemed rather primitive. They danced around Jaren, grunting horridly as they stabbed at him. Though one was dead on the ground, Vilven could tell that they were too quick for Jaren, as they easily avoided his panicked slashes. And though Grid was skilled, she could tell it was too risky for him to shoot, as he could accidentally hit Jaren. And moving was impossible without endangering the princess, as she clung to him, sobbing uncontrollably.

Vilven watched helplessly, one of them stabbing Jaren in the stomach, right under his armour, making him cry out in pain. She was paralyzed, she couldn’t even bring herself to draw her weapons. Vilven watched, out of her body, and realized in that moment, dismayed, she wasn’t a protector at all. She was weak. She knew Areiden was wrong to have chosen her. All she wanted was to be back in the Water Plane, where no one had to rely on her for their life. She turned her back, in shame and in sadness, not wanting to watch her friends die, ready to walk away.

Then, in a rush of energy, she felt Areiden inside of her, a deep burning in her chest. She felt the water elemental race come to the surface. She heard Areiden’s voice, hardly audible in her mind, echoing as if she was in a large, cave. “Vilven….Don’t run away from your greatness…Embrace yourself….You must only believe…Your will is power…Your power is will…Let it run through you…Let me run through you…”

Vilven hypnotically turned back, the scene moving in slow motion now, all the physical sounds inaudible to her. Grid’s arrow released, hanging in the air longer than it should, as it penetrated the skull of one of the creatures. Jaren was nearly on the ground, very injured. Grid dropped his bow, it fell soundlessly, nearly gracefully. He ran forward, extending his arms, stretching just far enough to pull Jaren out of the attacks of the small, ugly men. Wiendle ran forward, each step hitting the floor silently, a rainbow almost following her frame, to help pull Jaren back. The creatures turned then, preparing to throw their spears at all three of them. Then, Vilven was overcome with energy, and she walked forward right into the cluster of the enemy.

Quicker than a thought, her eyes glowed a bright blue, and water blasted out of her body, turning into dark, tendrils that wrapped around the creatures, enveloping them completely. She could feel the life drain out of them, though their screams of death were inaudible to her. As the tendrils slithered back into her body, the small, men fell to the ground, nothing but blue-black husks. Their bodies hollowed of all life. Vilven fell to her knees, the environment returning back to normal.

Jaren was laying now, going in and out of conscious. Grid and Wiendle, unsure of what they had seen, stared at Vilven, a mix of awe, disbelief, and horror on their faces. Though still in shock from what she had seen happen with Vilven, Wiendle was more shocked to see Jaren so hurt, and began to cry hysterically, falling next to him, pulling at his armour, trying to take it off. Grid, coming to his senses, looked down at the princess and her injured lover. He lowered to his knees, taking off his pack to pull out a long roll of bandages. He then took off Jaren’s armour carefully, to expose deep wounds all over his body. Wiendle began to cry out loudly in response, Grid looked at her, trying to console her, but his focus was mainly on wrapping Jaren’s injuries.

Vilven looked up, suddenly aware of where she was. She looked at the husks of the enemies she had defeated. She was somewhat emotionless, she felt almost nothing about what she had done. But she was sure she was just in shock, and that her true emotions would come forth with more distance. She shakily stood, dizzy but still able to keep her footing, to walk over to the three of her companions. When she was near, she fell back to her knees, pulling Wiendle into a deep embrace. Wiendle cried, full of pain, into her shoulder, muffling the sound. Grid looked thankfully at her.

But the truth was, Vilven needed the hug just as much as Wiendle did.



Adventures Of Vilven Ledsong (Chapter VIII) – Followed By A Lion

Posted in Adventures Of Vilven Ledsong, Dungeons And Dragons, Fiction, Writing with tags , , , on March 2, 2019 by darkjade68



Chapter VIII Of My Current Campaign, Which Began A Year Ago, As Written/Retold By My Player Who Plays Vilven

Chapter I: Ouroboros

Chapter II: Pact Magic

Chapter III: Choice And Notice

Chapter IV: Meeting Wiendle

Chapter V – Catlike

Chapter VI – Encountering A Wizard

Chapter VII – A Charge And A Flame


Vilven was shocked at what Grid had told her. A dragon? Living in the lake? A deep part of her thought he was just trying to jest, but even if  he was being serious, he must be misguided, right? Though the lake was enormous, she surely would have seen some evidence of a dragon. I mean, it was a dragon.

She turned to look up at his beautiful lion face with questioning.

“Grid, you must be mistaken,” she started as she picked up the bowl she dropped, the contents not salvageable “I have been in that lake for the past two days, I even searched it rather extensively, and there was no sign of anything remotely similar to a dragon.”

Grid took a long, final drag of his pipe, then proceeded to clean it expertly into the fire. His yellow eyes focused before him at what he was doing.

“Well maybe not now, but she’ll be back ” He responded, pausing for a moment as he almost formally put his pipe back into his pouch.

He moved his gaze then, to look upward into the night sky. The movement was subtle, but Vilven was nearly taken by the drama of it. His long, flowing mane practically glittered from the firelight, as his eyes bore into the heavens. “She always comes back.” He repeated, almost as if he were somewhere else.

Vilven was silent, her large, black eyes staring intensely into the lake, unsure of how to respond. The mood had drastically shifted between them, she could tell, to something very serious. Careful of her words, she quietly inquired. “So she comes and goes?… Where does she go then, do you know?…. And do the inhabitants of the castle know of her?” There was a deep pause as she retreated farther into her mind. “I find it strange…” She said, somewhat deviating “that this dragon would call this place home. It’s beautiful, yes, and don’t get me wrong I’m no expert when it comes to dragons, but…” she turned her face to look at him then, “Well, it is strange, don’t you think?”

His head pivoted, so that he could look at her, and when he did, Vilven saw no trace of the soberness that had been there just moments before. She, in fact, saw something closer to delight in his eyes. It took her off guard, and before she could say anything, he stood. “Another time.” He said, ending the topic. “We best hurry if we want to catch up to your friends.”

Grid began to get his things together, collecting his cooking supplies first, absentmindedly nipping the bowl out of Vilven’s hand. Vilven stared at him, then into the forest next to them.

“What is it that we should do when we find them?” She asked, following his lead to stand. “I’m pretty certain they just want to escape and disappear into another life they create together. Alone.

Grid shifted his weapons to be in a more secure place for carrying, then began to put out the fire with his boot.

“Your friend is a princess and so surely has coin, and I’m sure would gladly pay us to protect them on the road to wherever they’re going. I wasn’t kidding when I said they wouldn’t make it out there” Grid said looking at her sincerely. “These forests are fraught with danger.”

Vilven’s eyes widened with realization, “Are you sure they’re not too far already? How are we to catch up to them?” She gazed into the ominous forest with unease, putting a hand onto one of her sickles and inhaling deeply. “Especially in the dark…”

“You’ve answered your own question.” Grid said, and smiled heartily at her. “The dark will surely slow them, especially with the lad’s armour. Trust me, I’m a hunter. We’ll catch them.”

Vilven thought to herself that she didn’t really have much choice in the matter. And she hoped, from the depths of her heart, that this was what Areiden wanted.


Though hesitant at first, Vilven proceeded into the forest. Admittedly, she was a bit jumpy, but, to her credit, fiercely focused on the goal. It took her a bit to get used to the towering trees that nearly blocked out the sky, as well as the skittering of different small animals both on the ground and flying about. There was something strangely hypnotic, she found, about being surrounded on all sides by the nature of the forest, especially since her night vision poetically turned the vibrant colors ghostly and hazy.

And though she was used to nature, the sea was almost the opposite of this near claustrophobic space, the sea, and most waters, were so open and clear. And at times when you would feel too vulnerable, you could always revel in the feeling of the water around you, carrying and cradling you.

Grid, on the other hand, was right at home here.

Vilven watched as his gait became paradoxically both relaxed and tense at the same time, it was almost as if he could see through the trees and was prepared for anything that might happen. After a few minutes, however, Grid stopped her, speaking quietly.

“We’re going to need to quicken our pace, can you keep up?”

Vilven looked concerned and hesitant but nodded her head in agreement. Almost before she finished the movement, Grid took off in a flash, making Vilven nearly shriek in surprise. He leaped into full speed, his muscular legs flexing naturally with the motion. He looked more like a lion than ever, both ferocious and graceful, weaving and leaping in between the trees effortlessly.

Vilven blinked a few times, then began to chase after him.

And after some time had passed, she decided she was actually quite impressed with herself, as she succeeded in keeping him in her line of sight, only falling and tripping on lay branches and other such things a few times. Vilven knew she was fairly strong, she knew with certainty she wasn’t fragile physically. But she had never used her legs out of water so much in her life. She knew that this would be, would have to be, a learning experience.

Suddenly, Grid instantly froze in place before her. Vilven nearly ran into him, but was able to stop herself, falling in the process, to her knees. She cursed herself as she pulled herself up to her feet. Grid shushed her, and pulled her with him behind a tree. Angling his head around the trunk, he pointed forward to a distant dot of firelight. Vilven squinted, but could tell it was indeed, a torch. Vilven looked up at him and whispered,

“Do you think it is the princess?”

Grid visibly relaxed, then replied “I do… Best if you approach them first.”

Vilven chuckled quietly, “Yes, we wouldn’t want them to think a lion is trying to kill them.”

Grid looked at her with a gleam in his eyes, then responded “Just go…”

Vilven chuckled again, and began to take a few cautious steps toward the direction of the torch, unsheathing her sickles as she did.  Vilven was sure Grid knew what he was talking about, this was his territory after all, but she couldn’t help feel she better be prepared if something unexpected were to happen.

As she got closer and closer, and the torch became brighter and brighter, her nerves began to surface. This was still so new to her after all, and who knew what or who could be on the other end of that torch if it wasn’t the princess.

Just then, with another cautious step, Vilven landed on a branch making a loud crack.

The torch jerked swiftly in response, and she could hear the unsheathing of some sort of weapon. Vilven lifted her foot instinctively with a wince. Her body was crouched slightly, holding both her sickles tight in her grasp, and though she wasn’t sure who it was in front of her, she took a chance and called out toward the flame.

“Wiendle? Jaren? It’s Vilven.”

There was no reply, but the torchlight seemed to halt in alertness.

Vilven took a few more steps forward, not concerned about making noise at this point, but cautious of danger none the less.

“Vilven?” She heard the delicate, high pitched voice of Wiendle call out.

Relaxing now, Vilven took the final strides forward, until she was illuminated by the flames of the torch. Before her was Jaren and Wiendle. He was standing in front of her, his sword grasped in both his hands in a defensive stance, she was behind him holding the torch in one hand, and grasping his shoulder with the other.

Once Wiendle saw that it was indeed Vilven, she gasped in relief and rushed toward her, despite Jaren trying to stop her. Vilven sheathed her weapons and progressed halfway, opening her arms to embrace the princess.

“Oh Vilven, I’m so glad you’re here, it’s so frightening. We are lost!” Wiendle wailed.

“We aren’t lost!” Jaren said defensively “It’s just dark…”

Just then Grid emerged from the darkness into eye shot, making Wiendle jump backward in retreat. Jaren, however, had the opposite reaction, he looked at Grid wide eyed and with recognition.

“Hunter,” Jaren addressed Grid with a respectful nod “You have missed her. She left a few weeks ago.”

“Yes, dragons are hard to predict.” Grid replied graciously. Vilven looked up at Grid, somewhat amused by his formality.

“Do you know each other?” Jaren asked Vilven and Grid, eyeing them both.

Vilven looked blankly at Jaren. “Well… not exactly. Sort of. We met tonight.” she replied awkwardly. She cleared her throat, then continued. “You see, Grid, here, brought to my attention that these forests might be dangerous terrain to be travelling alone, and thought that you perhaps would like some more protection on your way to Warden. And perhaps some help with direction as to not get lost on the way. ” Vilven winked at Wiendle with the last sentence, making her giggle girlishly.

“Yes! That would be marvelous.” Wiendle said excitedly, her head falling back and her shoulders dropping in relief. “I feel so much safer now!”

Jaren looked a little hurt at that comment, but nodded in agreement.

“But you must be paid!” Wiendle exclaimed, pulling a large bag of coin out of her pouch.

Vilven stared at the bag hesitantly, but Grid grasped it in a proper manner and took it from her. Tying it expertly to his belt.

“Well then, let’s be on our way” Grid said, walking past them toward the direction of Warden.

